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Vital Wheat gluten
Cereals ready-to-eat, Post, Shredded Wheat n’ Bran, spoon-size
Cereals ready-to-eat, Wheat and Bran, presweetened with Nuts and Fruits
Cereals ready-to-eat, Weetabix Whole Wheat Cereal
Waffles with whole wheat, lowfat and frozen, ready to heat
Whole wheat tortillas, ready to bake or fry
Whole wheat naan (Indian bread), refrigerated
Whole wheat paratha (Indian bread), frozen
Whole wheat Keebler, Zesta, Saltines
Whole wheat chapati or roti, frozen
Keebler, Wheatables, roasted nut crisp crackers with almond
Keebler, Wheatables, toasted nut crisp crackers with pecan
Keebler, Wheatables, honey wheat crackers
Keebler, Town House, wheat crackers
Keebler, wheat crackers
Keebler, Club Crackers, snack sticks with honey and wheat
Keebler, cheese on wheat sandwich crackers
Wheat flour, whole-grain, Soft Wheat
Wheat flour, White (industrial), 15% protein, bleached, unenriched
Wheat flour, White (industrial), 15% protein, bleached, enriched
Wheat flour, White (industrial), 13% protein, bleached, unenriched
Wheat flour, White (industrial), 13% protein, bleached, enriched
Wheat flour, White (industrial), 11.5% protein, unbleached, enriched
Wheat flour, White (industrial), 11.5% protein, bleached, unenriched
Wheat flour, White (industrial), 11.5% protein, bleached, enriched
Wheat flour, White (industrial), 10% protein, unbleached, enriched
Wheat flour, White (industrial), 10% protein, bleached, unenriched
Wheat flour, White (industrial), 10% protein, bleached, enriched
Wheat flour, White (industrial), 9% protein, bleached, unenriched
Wheat flour, White (industrial), 9% protein, bleached, enriched
Wheat flour, White, all-purpose, enriched, unbleached
Wheat flour, White, all-purpose, unenriched
Wheat flour, White, all-purpose, enriched, calcium-fortified
Cornmeal, self-rising, bolted, with Wheat flour added, enriched, White
Wheat, Kamut khorasan, uncooked
Wheat, Kamut khorasan, cooked
Wheat flours, bread, unenriched
Spaghetti, whole-Wheat, dry
Spaghetti, whole-Wheat, cooked
Macaroni, whole-Wheat, dry
Macaroni, whole-Wheat, cooked
Wheat, sprouted
Wheat flour, White, tortilla mix, enriched
Wheat flour, White, cake, enriched
Wheat flour, White, bread, enriched
Wheat flour, White, all-purpose, self-rising, enriched
Wheat flour, White, all-purpose, enriched, bleached
Wheat germ, crude
Wheat flour, whole-grain
Wheat Bran, crude
Wheat, durum
Wheat, Soft White
Wheat, hard White
Wheat, Soft red winter
Wheat, hard red winter
Wheat, hard red spring
Cornmeal, self-rising, bolted, with Wheat flour added, enriched, yellow
Buckwheat flour, whole-groat
Buckwheat groats, roasted, cooked
Buckwheat groats, roasted, dry
Sesame sticks, wheat-based and unsalted
Rice cakes from brown rice and buckwheat, unsalted
Sesame sticks, wheat-based and salted
Rice cakes with brown rice and buckwheat
Pretzels, hard and with whole-wheat including both salted and unsalted
Austin, cheddar cheese on wheat sandwich-type crackers
Kashi, H2H woven wheat cracker with roasted garlic
Kashi, H2H the original woven wheat cracker
Wheat bagel
Bread with white wheat
Crackers saltines with whole wheat (includes multi-grain)
Pan Dulce, La Ricura, Salpora de Arroz con Azucar like cookies containing wheat flour and rice flour
Crackers, with wheat and reduced fat
Crackers, with whole-wheat and reduced fat
Crackers with whole-wheat and low salt
Crackers with wheat and low salt
Muffins with wheat bran, toaster-type with raisins
Bread with wheat germ and toasted
Rolls with whole wheat
Rolls with wheat
Pancakes with whole-wheat in dry mix, incomplete and prepared
Pancakes with whole-wheat, in dry mix and incomplete
Pancakes with buckwheat, in dry mix and incomplete
Muffins with wheat bran, dry mix
Muffins with wheat bran in toaster-type with raisins
English muffins with whole-wheat and toasted
English muffins with whole-wheat
English muffins with wheat and toasted
English muffins with wheat
Doughnuts in cake-type with wheat, sugared or glazed
Crackers with wheat and cheese filling like sandwich
Crackers with wheat, like sandwich with peanut butter filling
Crackers with whole-Wheat
Crackers with wheat, regular
Crackers, melba toast with wheat
Crackers, matzo with whole-wheat
Whole-wheat bread, prepared from recipe and toasted
Whole-wheat bread, prepared from recipe
Whole-wheat bread, commercially prepared and toasted